Monday, March 17, 2008

Also on the CBC

This very interesting discussion with Chris Hedges, author of "I Don't Believe in Atheists", who suggests that some modern-day atheists have espoused a doctrine that is strikingly similar to those found in fundamentalist religious groups. What he says makes a great deal of sense to me (a reformed fundie from both sides of the spectrum).

We're all the same, and none of us know much for certain, especially about some of the most important questions in life.

This is why I appreciate so much another CBC program, Tapestry, which examines spirituality in such an open, respectful way that one can begin to see the commonality between Christianity, Buddhism, Islaam, Hinduism, Mother-Goddess worship, etc. I love listening to this program's podcasts (available via iTunes) while I cook or do housework.

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