Thursday, November 22, 2007

Great Point Beach- Nantucket

Great Point Beach- Nantucket
Originally uploaded by Chris Seufert.

Chris Seufert's photography makes me want to vacation in Massachusetts (which is definitely not something I'd ever think I'd seriously consider a year or more ago).

I love this low-level shot. I feel like I am one of these stones or a piece of ocean debris, washed upon the shore - but looking out to the ocean waves knowing ... THEY'RE GONNA COME AND GET ME. Maybe it'll be scary, maybe it'll be fun, but from this perspective it's certain that I *will* be swept up. Kinda like life itself, no?

I've been thinking about life, change, and attitude a lot lately because of a book I'm reading. Change is not only inevitable, it is accelerating. Is this a threat? Possibly. It's more likely to be a threat if I'm not prepared to look for the opportunities, however ... So I'm working on my attitude and the disciplines that will prepare me for the opportunities when they come. I'm not there by a long shot, but I'm inching toward progress ...

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