Saturday, August 04, 2007

A teeny-tiny helping of I-told-you-so

It’s already been a great morning with my niece and nephew. I woke up rested and refreshed this morning, ready to cuddle and tickle and otherwise amuse these gorgeous six-month-olds.

When Joe came home this morning from getting his car’s oil changed, Reece, Lorelai, and I were hanging out in the living room while Lisa had a shower. Joe, being such a hands-on and involved dad, immediately got in the action by lying on the floor and working out his arm muscles by moving Reece up and down. “Be careful,” I said, feeling a bit silly telling him what to do with his kid, “Lisa just fed him.” But Reece seemed to be really content and happy with his Amusement Park Dad. Joe really is such a great dad. I finally had my camera out and I was focused on getting some photos of Joe with the babies, like this one:

But suddenly, Joe swore. I looked up from my camera and Joe was quickly sitting up, a stream of curdled breast milk on his shirt, on his neck, in his beard, and ohmigod no, the stream abruptly ended at his bottom lip. Immediately I was convulsing with hysterical laughter, tears wrung from my eyes. “I’m sorry,” I gasped, desperately sucking oxygen into my lungs, “I shouldn’t laugh.” But I could not stop.

“They’re yours,” Joe nearly flung Reece into my hands, and launched himself upstairs for a change of clothes and, I suspect, a shower and a 5-minute gargle of disinfectant.

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