Friday, July 13, 2007

Follow your bliss?

I imagine many of you have heard the following phrase: "follow your bliss". But then again, maybe you haven't, or just aren't sure what it means. Let's quote from an authoritative source, the Joseph Campbell Foundation (Joseph Campbell was an amazing professor and author specializing in myth, and "follow your bliss" was initially his utterance):

... it is important to note that following one's bliss, as Campbell saw it, isn't merely a matter of doing whatever you like, and certainly not doing simply as you are told. It is a matter of identifying that pursuit which you are truly passionate about and attempting to give yourself absolutely to it. In so doing, you will find your fullest potential and serve your community to the greatest possible extent.

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are -- if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time

Forgive me if I'm not all that forthcoming on this subject, but I'm really interested to hear what you, my friends and Internet vagabonds, have to say on the subject. Do you believe in such a thing as following your bliss? Why or why not? What have been your experiences?


Anonymous said...

I used to think that you had to find your bliss to follow it. After a few frustrating years of "searching", I realized that what Joseph Campbell really meant was if you find the bliss in where you are today you naturally follow your "bliss path." Besides it is much more interesting when you aren't trying to plan your life. And, that's saying something coming from a natural planner such as myself.

Eclecta said...

Actually, I think that helps a lot, Lisa. Thanks for your comment!!! :)