Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Trying to be a better blogger

You may have noticed a few changes around here ... a few more links along the right-hand side, some opportunity to sign up for RSS feed or mail notifications if you don't want to manually go and check whether I've updated this blog, etc.

Another thing I'm committed to doing is responding to your comments. I truly believe that even if no one read this blog, I would still write it. It is a wonderful tool for self-expression (and I am a bit dismayed at my need to express myself, as stoic and as practical as I would like to consider myself). However, if no one read this blog, I'd write it much differently. So you, my audience, are important to me. Your thoughts, your feedback matter (except for the dork who once made an oblique comment about me being Canadian when I posted a photo of a thistle that I thought was cool. But I'm sure he'll never find his way back here.) Besides, when I comment on someone else's blog, I'd like to see a response and it ticks me off when there isn't one. So treating others as I would like to be treated ... It's a conversation, and I am honoured when you engage with me.

Heck, I'm honoured even when you just read this humble blog!



Next step: Responding to all my e-mails!

Update: FeedBlitz's e-mail subscription service sucks. That code is now removed from this blog.

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