Friday, April 01, 2005

Fun at work

Yesterday a new guy moved into a cubicle in my team's work area. He was recently shuffled from our Marketing group to another team on my floor. Today we noticed that he left his laptop unattended for long periods of time without locking the console. It didn't take too long before mischief got the best of me, and I started sending e-mails from his computer (which of course would make it seem as though he was sending the e-mails). They were all the same:

Dear Tony,

I think you're groovy!



You should have seen Tony come whipping around the corner to see what the hell was behind that e-mail!!!! LOL

I think I sent four - five people these e-mails. Then I went to Julio, his new manager, and confirmed that Jim now worked for him. I asked him if he liked practical jokes, and sure enough, he did. So I told him what I'd been doing and why, and suggested that I send Julio a similar message from Jim's workstation ...

It's all in the name of encouraging tighter security in the office ... and of course that's why I've had this big grin on my face whenever I think about it ...



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