Thursday, April 21, 2005

Another busy weekend ahead

My apartment is slowly getting into shape, but seeing as I put an ad in this Sunday's Renters News for a roommate, a lot has to get done in the next couple of days (e.g., putting everything back that was moved for the painting, getting rid of some furniture, trying again to install my air conditioner (there must be a way to make it fit!!!!), reorganizing my closets, clearing out the guest room, cleaning the floors, cleaning the windows (weather permitting) ....)

On top of that, I have a lot of "work work" to do this weekend ... Annual peer reviews and a self-assessment in particular (I never have enough uninterrupted time at work to get these done, and they can be really hard!!!!).

I'm also supposed to go out for dinner and dancing with some of my FabFemme friends and their friends on Saturday ... Pretty sure I'm not going to get all this stuff done!!! LOL

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