Friday, April 01, 2005

Chase Sunsets

One day I got a comment on this blog from someone I had never even met. Her name is Bethany, and she is from somewhere in the American midwest. Her comment was really sweet and provided some helpful decorating tips (I think my post had been about being in paint chip purgatory or something). She has a great little personal blog too - She has great quotes from "Sex and the City", or she talks about her friends or her thoughts, and she has some great pics as well (I particularly enjoyed the collage she posted on March 17th).

I think it's pretty neat that this blog allowed me to come in contact with someone like Bethany. She lives so far away, and is about 10 years younger than myself, but she has such a maturity and is so cool - and I think we share many of the same values (when she wrote on March 29th that her friend Tracy is such "a quality person", I knew she was a kindred spirit!!!). Well, that's one of the miracles of the modern technological age, I guess!

Anyway, go check out her site - but don't forget to come back!!!



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