Thursday, April 14, 2005


One of the things I haven't written about is some relatively new friendships that I've made in the past year (particularly in the last couple of months).

When I moved to Toronto, I joined a social club for women. It was sometimes disappointing, but I had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people there, and some of us decided recently to form our own social network, called the "FebFemmes" (Fabulous Females Network of Toronto). While we're all different, we're united by the common goal of developing a fun and supportive network of female friends, as well as our shared values of mutual respect and positive attitude. Our little network had quite a rocky start, but I really am excited and hopeful about the relationships we are going to build and the cool stuff we'll do, particularly over the summer!!!

Here's a picture of the five of us below, hanging out at La Vecchia to celebrate the March/April birthdays! Don't they look like a great group of quality people????? :) I'm sure you'll read much more about them going forward ...

The FabFemmes: Sonia, Karen, Maria, me, and Aviva! Posted by Hello

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