Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Fallen

The Fallen
Originally uploaded by Varina Patel.

A gorgeous photo I found on Flickr.

I am pooped ... time for bed!!!


Anonymous said...

I feel like a relic but I'm just not comfortable with Flickr and that's what all the cool kids are using these days :(

Eclecta said...

Really? What don't you like about Flickr? I've found it to be relativity user-friendly ...

Not that I would ever consider myself to be one of the "cool kids". :-D

Varina Patel said...

I just discovered this post today - after doing a search for my own name on google. The photo you display here is mine. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for posting it on your site, and sharing it with others. If you'd like to see more images, you can visit my website at

Varina Patel