Monday, February 04, 2008

Babies for Barak Obama

Originally uploaded by Noisypond.

Lorelai was particularly interested in Monika's Obama '08 pin.


Anonymous said...

Now that's a baby with good judgement!

BTW I couldn't find your email on your about me section, I may be in Toronto for work in the upcoming weeks.

Eclecta said...


I e-mailed you ... did you get it??? :)

Anonymous said...

I guess the babies that he lets live like him...what about the ones that his bloody hand helped kill?

Eclecta said...

Hey Anonymous,

I respect your views, and I can forgive your histrionics because sometimes I do that too.

However, until anti-arbortionists get excited about ending an unjust war that has killed, maimed, orphaned, impoverished, and displaced THOUSANDS of Iraqi children who have already been born, you won't get my attention.

What about families in the U.S.A. who don't receive proper medical attention because they can't afford health insurance? It's the Republicans (the supposedly "pro-life" party) who have fought universal health care tooth and nail.

Where's the compassion for people swept up without cause into places like Guantanamo, where innocent people are tortured and held without due process?

What about children who are orphaned by AIDS because certain countries are too idealogical to fund effective life-saving programs like condom distribution?

I think Barack Obama can and will actually address issues such as these as President, and as such he is the true pro-life candidate.

Please have an open mind about this. There is too much at stake.