Sunday, January 13, 2008

Updated: THAT was an interesting choice of words ...

Inspired by Heather B. Armstrong, I decided as I was eating dinner tonight that I'd take a look at my own grocery bill from yesterday to see what weirdness I might find. I wasn't really expecting anything, but what I got was an interesting lesson in reproduction, veggie style:

I truly have no idea what the first highlighted item really was, but now I'm afraid to open my cupboards! LOL

UPDATED Jan 14th, 8:00AM - Obviously my subconscious was busy working on this mystery overnight, because this morning I realized that Item #1 (I can't bring myself to type it, for fear of the Google searches) is a bottle of V8, which is called a "vegetable cocktail". Knowing this, I am fairly certain that this computer entry was the amusement of some bored inventory clerk at Dominion. :)


ZenDenizen said...

Could it have been this?!

Eclecta said...

Erm, nooo, but thanks for the laugh! That's hysterical! :-D