Sunday, October 07, 2007

On public washrooms

Okay, I’m probably just ignorant of other considerations, but I have a bone to pick with architects of many public buildings.

We’ve known about the value of hand-washing and all that good stuff for a long time, right? So why is it that when you go into a public washroom, you can often push the door open with a shoulder or hip, but in order to leave the washroom, you must place your freshly-pristine hands on the door handle – which has god knows how many colonies of bacteria????

I would like to give a virtual high-five to the genious architects who have designed public washrooms without doors at all. You know, the ones where you just have to walk around a wall that provides privacy to those in the washroom from the prying eyes of those outside. There should be more of those! Do I hear an “Amen!”?

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