Monday, June 04, 2007

To Ann Arbor, Michigan

Every few days (or more often, depending on how O/C I am), I check the stats for this blog. It's pretty interesting to see the cities and countries that visitors come from - just a tantalizing glimpse into your world as the reader (don't worry, I don't see your credit card numbers or anything crazy like that, not that I would even use them if I could).

There's also an interesting report that shows what keywords someone entered in the search that resulted in them clicking on my blog. Previous searches leading to this blog have included the names of paintings I took pictures of at the Chicago Art Institute, names of the paint colours of my apartment, and other pretty random stuff. But tonight, one of the search queries was "feeling sad with twin babies" and it breaks my heart.

So, dear reader/passerby, I know nothing about you. Maybe you actually googled this phrase for a friend or a relative. But to whomever is Feeling Sad: it must be unbelievably hard to be you right now. The sleep deprivation, the way your life has been turned totally upside down, the constant demands of twin babies: I've had just a glimpse of it (in a family with two fully committed parents and lots of supportive relatives), and I feel deeply for you. Maybe you will never read this, Feeling Sad, but my heart and very best wishes and hopes go out to you. I hope people step up to help you. I hope you can find that you can ask for the help you need.
May you find strength you didn't know you ever had and a love for those babies that will keep you going.

I hope your Google search at least found other hits that are a lot more helpful than this humble and inconsequential blog.

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