Sunday, September 17, 2006

Blogging the bump

Okay, so if you work with me or have seen me at all this summer, this will be old news. But for everybody else, BIG NEWS!!! I mean really big news!!!! (That I finally have permission to tell!!!!) My sister-in-law, Lisa, is expecting - TWINS!!!!! A boy and a girl will make their world debut in February. Joe and Lisa are so excited, and I am thrilled at the chance to be an auntie!!!

Here's a photo of Lisa + bump on August 24th:

And another from today:

The bump is growing nicely!!!!

You may congratulate me on my auntie condition at any time. :)


Jay said...

I just love pregnant tummies, not that she has much of one yet.

Congratulations to all of the excited parties. Such happy news!

Eclecta said...

Thanks, Jay! It is safe to say we're all excited. :->