Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday Trivia Twenty - Roommate Edition

  1. Other than living with my family, I have had 13 roommates/housemates.
  2. I’m still in touch with only 4 of them.
  3. I’ve reconnected with two of them via Facebook. Yay Facebook!
  4. I might reconnect with more if I could just remember their last names … grrrrr …
  5. I saw Schindler’s List with my housemate Alan, back in our university days. We could barely talk for an hour or two afterwards because we were in such shock.
  6. Alan thought it would be funny if, with our other housemate Jen, we brushed each other’s teeth. Sometimes Alan was still stuck at summer camp. ;->
  7. A roommate once told our mutual friends that I was trying to profit off the situation by asking that her boyfriend pay for his share of the utilities that he was using by living with us. I’m such a bitch … :)
  8. Said boyfriend became abusive and paranoid. Not fun.
  9. It was about 7 years before I decided it would be okay to have another roommate after THAT experience.
  10. One of my roommates thought the new toaster oven was about to explode, but it was just a fan that was rattling.
  11. Two of my dearest university friendships were forged as housemates.
  12. The best party we ever had in university was a dessert party. No booze, just sugar. LOTS of it. OMG we were flying that night, and absolutely leaden the next day!
  13. My first roommate in Korea was a great guy from Newfoundland named Jim. He worked out every day and had an amazing body (hey, he walked around the apartment in a tiny pair of shorts – I’m not blind!!!!). He ate five meals a day just to replenish the calories he burned at the gym and on his mountain bike.
  14. He was really kind to me and helped me settle into life in Korea.
  15. Over the school Xmas holidays, we turned off the heat in our apartment to save money, and the pipes burst. We were young and stupid. What a mess!
  16. Of all my roommates, only one relationship really ended badly.
  17. My first-year university roommate, Michelle, spent most of her time with her boyfriend, so I often had our room to myself. (Awesome!)
  18. One of my university housemates was obsessed with having blonde, blue-eyed children, so she was dating this guy who was kinda sorta blond but truly definitely an asshole. They were a good pair.
  19. A housemate once complained that I was very “anecdotally” because TV shows would make me think of stories to share when she really just wanted to watch TV. (I do love anecdotes … sigh.)
  20. In general, I like living with someone (always good in case you’re hurt or sick, or as a prophylactic against being “eaten by Alsatians”, as Bridget Jones always worried), but I’m quite content to live alone as well.

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