Great story from The Washington Post about a wedding reception that was held last weekend at the same hotel where there was all that craziness about Florida and Michigan and the Democratic Party:
[The bride and groom] found themselves at rancorous Ground Zero in the battle between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama when the Democratic Party held its Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting at the same time and place -- Saturday, the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel -- as their 200-guest wedding reception.
The happy couple was toasted amid angry hallway clashes and a barrage of hollering and sign-waving. DeBuchananne encountered ladies' room partisans wanting to know whom she supported; and Rogers's Philly relatives couldn't resist sneaking away to check out the (sort of) historic action in the nearby committee room.
Did it ruin their big day? Hardly. "Matt and I were like, this is D.C., this is what you get when you live here," the new Mrs. Rogers, 26, a sales manager for a marketing company, told us yesterday. "That's why I wanted to have the wedding in the city -- this is why we have such a great country."
"We could let it ruin the wedding, or we could embrace it," said Rogers, 29, who works in finance with Accenture. "We embraced it." So when the protesters shouted, "Count the vote, count the vote!" and "Fifty states, not 48!" the bridesmaids came back with "Danielle and Matt in Oh-Eight!"
(The answer to the ladies' room question: The newlyweds like Obama. "Neither of us are big Hillary people," DeBuchananne said. "It's funny that she was a big part of our wedding.")
Back at their room, they were surprised by a huge platter of food, a nice bottle of champagne and a note: "Thank you so much for sharing your day with us." Signed: Howard Dean and the Democratic National Committee.
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