Sunday, April 29, 2007

THIS puts West Nile into perspective

From the website for Lost River Walks:

As part of the effort to monitor the virus last year, the state asked counties to report on bird deaths. Of the more than 80,000 birds turned in at state request, only a few thousand died from West Nile. The single leading cause of death among these birds was pesticide poisoning, from chemicals used on lawns for aesthetic reasons. Diazanon, Dursban and other compounds used for lawn and garden care in the attempt to control grubs, fungus and weeds. Citizens who labour for the perfect lawn also keep backyard bird feeders. They are apparently unaware of the conflict between the two pursuits. Birds are "indicators" of environmental perils. They warned about DDT in the 1970s. Now they're warning us that it's time we kicked the pesticide habit, for their sake and our own.

From article passed to us by Great Lakes Laboratory, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
867 Lakeshore Road Burlington, Ontario Canada L7R 4A6
phone: 905 336 6425 fax: 905 336 6437

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