Sunday, October 22, 2006

Catching up

So it’s been another long while … after this much time, it’s kind of overwhelming to compose that first post back … so much has happened. Of course I’ve been composing posts in my head all this time … just didn’t get them typed or submitted.

So overview/stream of consciousness:

We had an issue at work. About $50 million dollars in contracts depending on this technology to function properly. An entire group of people to be laid off in B.C. if one of the contracts was not to be renewed. I was involved in managing the issue. 10 – 15 hour days under considerable stress for about 5 days. No biggie. Kept my cool, was still able to smile and joke and laugh (while doing a pretty good job, based on the feedback). My job was being the central point of contact, getting whatever resources we needed (you need a network guy? Let me make a call!), and – most importantly – ordering the food that kept everyone working. The latter responsibility was pretty easy until the weekend. However, once Saturday/Sunday hits, and you’re working through lunch AND dinner, finding places open in downtown Toronto (that will deliver and won’t look like I’m abusing my employer’s goodwill) is a bit like sasquatch tracking.

The guys that I worked with are the best. Really great people. I feel like we bonded, like war buddies. I want to give them a hug or buy them Christmas presents. We truly were all in it together.

In the end, the resolution was a kicker. In the groin area. But at least it was fixed. A day and a half later I realized how overtired I was. Normal frustrations left me in tears I couldn’t stop. Sooooo not normal for me (Mom, for clarification: the thirtysomething me). Realized it was fatigue and stress – it wasn’t really unexpected – and so took the next two and a half days off, with full support and understanding from my boss and colleagues. They’re amazing that way.

In a way, it sucks to be a girl and to cry uncontrollably when you're tired or even angry. On the other hand, I'm kind of grateful that my body/psyche held together as long as it needed to in order to get the job done, and then, when it was safe, refused to hold in that stress or soldier on any further. Sometimes I think the people who don't cry actually have it worse - the stress and fatigue continue to build up and then when it eventually manifests itself, it's long and painful and prolonged, and often they don't even know what's causing it.

So the first two days I spent sleeping and reading. Serious sleepage – about 14 hours each day. (again, soooo not normal for me – I’m normally far too excited about all the cool things I could be doing instead to sleep any longer than 8 hours, if that). Feeling good again now, though still a little bit tired. Actually, to be honest I was probably burning the candle at both ends before the work issue, so this has been like a mini-vacation. All I lacked was the beach!

This weekend was also my friend Melanie’s birthday. I suggested I take her out to dinner and/or to a movie. But what did we end up doing instead, at her request? Driving to the nearest Costco! LOL

I don’t normally shop at Costco. I’m a single female living in Toronto. I have a roommate, but we don’t cook together or share food or anything (yes, it works out quite well). I live in an apartment, so I wouldn’t have space for all the things that I could buy in bulk there. However, it was interesting from a sociological/anthropological point of view. It’s a different view of life there. You can buy hemorrhoid medication in bulk. In bulk! Maybe I just don’t know how some people live, but I’ve got to think that life is just a bit bleak when you have to buy hemorrhoid medication in massive quantities. Costco even sells – brace yourself, Mom – K-Y Jelly!!! I’d almost like to work as a cashier at Costco just to see who the hell would buy K-Y Jelly in bulk, but I think if I knew, I’d be seriously icked out.

Anyway, I somehow managed to spend over $100 at Costco (don’t get excited – no hemorrhoid medication or K-Y Jelly for me, just discounted books, some Cetaphil facial cleanser, and a pretty 2007 calendar). Then we wandered over to the BestBuy next door, where I proceeded to drop another ~$100 on CDs. (It would have been more if Melanie hadn’t staged an intervention, bless her.) I hope to write more about them later as I have time to listen to them.

Okay, time to head out to the gym to try to work off all that takeout food!


Jay said...

Wow, I'm glad you survived your work ordeal. If I ever have a crisis, I want you on my team. Heck, I'd even like you as a shopping partner!

Eclecta said...

Jamie, with you it's a deal! Hey, I actually had a dream that I met you! You were in my office, sitting under a beach umbrella, wearing a bathing suit! I introduced myself and we shook hands. How weird is that??? Some people dream about meeting the Queen, I dream about meeting Jamie ... :->