Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Bullying in the Workplace

I won't get into why I was looking at this website (it's not really my story anyway), but just in case you need it, here is an excellent site re. bullying in the workplace.

See how helpful I am??? ;->


1 comment:

Eclecta said...

Fortunately, it hasn't happened to me, but I've seen it more than once in the last three years. I firmly believe that it is far more prevalent than most people realize.

I'm all for employee protection, but sometimes it makes it hard to get rid of bullies in the workplace - they're clever and sneaky and never do anything that on its own would be a cause for dismissal.

One of the reasons why I found this website so informative, however, is the tips on dealing with a bully - including keeping detailed notes of everything that happens to show a *pattern* of bullying.