Sunday, September 28, 2008

Back to Bloggerland

Hey folks! Sorry for the extended absence. I was visiting my family last weekend, and I've been fighting a nasty cold ever since (like many of my relatives, apparently ... I guess we like to share!).

Anyway, not much has been going on here the last few days (other than mouth-breathing and feeling clammy), but hooo boy American politics has been INSANE!

The first thing you absolutely MUST do is watch this portion of Sarah Palin's interview with Katie Couric. Seriously. WATCH IT. WATCH IT RIGHT NOW!!!

This woman makes George Bush look like a member of Mensa. Quite frankly I did not know that that was even possible. And for the life of me, I can't imagine how Couric kept a straight face.

So here's last night's Saturday Night Live skit about this interview:

If a lot of the skit sounds familiar, it's probably because the SNL writers figured that they couldn't make it any more ridiculously funny than the original.

I have lots more thoughts/links to share, but it's been almost a week since I've gone grocery shopping, and I'm starting to worry about the scurvy. Later!

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