Thursday, August 30, 2007

Pre-weekend recap

Friends and Internet vagabonds, there are no words to describe how much I’m looking forward to the upcoming long weekend. Seriously, I am barely hanging on by my fingernails.

This week – KNOCK ON WOOD – has been the least stressed, least drama-filled that I can remember in months. I feel like one of those party balloons a few days after the event – not quite holding up. I’ve been tired, I’ve found it difficult to focus at work, and I’ve been fighting a bit of the sore throat thing that seems to be floating around Toronto these days. I’ve been using Starbucks’ espresso brownies and blueberries ‘n crème frappacinoes to stay awake. I haven’t been going to the gym lately, and my body – and my clothes - have been telling me about that too. So it’s time for a reboot, recharge, reconnect.

Don’t get me wrong; a lot of good stuff has happened in the last few months. I visited Melissa and her family in Baltimore, and got a tantalizing glimpse of New York City while reconnecting with a dear friend; I’ve had two amazing trips to Seattle to develop a bond with my new niece and nephew, and to spend some quality time with my brother and his wife, which has been so good; I attended a family reunion and spent some time with my mom at a Celtic music festival; I’ve done my best to be there for some friends who were going through some difficult times. I took a photography class and tons of photos, and eventually even photographed someone’s wedding. I’ve run events and done volunteer work, I’ve stayed up late reading or journaling, and I’ve blogged every single day. I can’t think of one thing I would give up if I had to do it all over again. This is life. Chock full. And I'm proud of it and cherish it. I can't remember what it was ever like to twiddle my thumbs over the weekend.

But boy, am I going to enjoy the next three days off …

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