Monday, June 11, 2007


Please read Linda's post here. But here's a snippet:

In 2005 I was arrested for drunk driving. This is what happened:

I was handcuffed and put in the back of a police car and taken to the drunk tank in downtown Seattle, which was filled with transients. I was filled with despair and anger and booze, and at one point I simply started screaming, over and over and over. They carried me, thrashing, into a tiny cell reeking of urine. I was held there until JB came and picked me up.

We met with a lawyer. I sat trembling and viciously hungover in his office. He was impeccably groomed and had beautiful photos of his family on the wall behind him.

Linda has been incredibly brave and open in sharing her story. Really, you'll want to read the rest of it. And the comments from (most of) her readers too.

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