Sunday, March 18, 2007


Please, please, America - don't make John McCain your next president.


Tuco said...

McCain is starting to be slightly frustrating. I haven't read this AIDS piece yet, but he is also a big advocate for a troop surge in Iraq. Grrr. I still like him, and I wish he'd won the republican nomination away from Bush back in 1999/2000 (Hell, I wish Gumby had won the nomination instead of Bush!), but he is indeed showing some weakness.

Eclecta said...

Thanks for the comment, Tuco!

I agree that at one point McCain had shown some promise - back in his "maverick" days. But now he's so busy trying to not piss off the right wing of his own party that he can't even take a stand on funding condoms for AIDS-ravaged Africa? Grossly pathetic pandering.

Where's the authentic leadership? Someone with the stones to withstand the attacks from the special-interest groups and to inspire the nation and the world? That's what we need right now. Tough bill to fill, I know. :-S