Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Incredible Maya Angelou

Thursday night, I and four friends went to see the incredible Maya Angelou speak at Roy Thompson Hall.

I’ve wanted to blog about the experience ever since, but have struggled to find the words to describe it and her. But I want to try.

When she walked onto the stage, she was dressed in an ankle-length black dress, and she was adorned in gold jewelry. The phrase “grande dame” popped into my mind because of her tremendous grace and dignity, despite requiring assistance to walk to centre stage.

Her speech was a demonstration of how to live in the moment. You could just sense her commitment to that time with us. She told stories, she broke into song, she cackled with laughter, she shared some of her life experiences, she imparted wisdom.

The theme of her speech that evening was that we all have a unique light to shed on the paths of those around us, that we can never know the impact our lives will have on others’, and that in one way or another, we all are teachers.

She talked about the importance of humour (“I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t laugh”) and love for yourself (she said she doesn’t believe it when somebody tells her that they love her but don’t love themselves – “There’s a saying in Africa, ‘Beware when a naked man offers you a shirt!’”)

I wish you could have been there. I know you would have enjoyed it. But instead, you can do a search in Google for “Maya Angelou + interview” and find many links to various interviews she’s given over several years. I’ve gone to a few (this one, this one, this one, and this one) and each one has something different and worthwhile.

But next time she comes into town, GO!!!!

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